Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I May Change My Blog Into A Wolf Information Blog

Ok, so you guys read the title. Yes it true. I will be posting my wolves in WolfQuest, ALL of them. So it will take longer. After I post all of my wolves information, I will be posting normal post. So no worry. Btw, I don't think anyone know of this Blog. Lol. ^__<

Thursday, July 2, 2009

YAY! I Got My Answer.

Today during supp class, I ask Mr Amran(My English Teacher) the same question. Why Do Peoples Blame Pigs For H1N1? His answer? I will put it short. " Peoples found out that the pigs have been carrying this virus. Animal carry different virus, but it seem that people can get the virus from the pigs. But now scientist are finding a cure for H1N1". I so glad I got my answer! FINALLY! YAHOO!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Why do peoples blame H1N1 on the poor pigs? It odd.......why won't they blame other animal??? Why must it be the PIGS! Very odd..... If anyone know the answer, please comment to tell me the reason. Thank you for reading my post......
I think that by the next two weeks, Singapore case will reach to a thousand over...... The number spreading real biggggg............. Well thank for reading, so please answer my early question. Why do peoples blame the PIGS for Influenza A H1N1???

Monday, June 29, 2009

My Birthday Presents

I got my birthday presents. I will be going though each one. The cow is from my Tuition teacher. The bakugans are from Aunty Jamie. The chocolate or sweets in the Jar is from Joey. Watch is from Aunty Christine. Shirt is from Nuna. DS Cover and pouch is from Ng Family. Can't upload all cuz too many too upload. :P
I love my presents a lot. I love my bakugans. I love Neo Dragonaid from all my bakugans.

Friday, June 26, 2009

School Reopening

NOOOOO!! Why must time travelled so fast? Before you know it, it the end of the june holiday. Cry- I will miss all the good time I had....Sigh..... Oh well, Good time always have to pass one day, but it be back, for sure. Why I so sure? Cuz Christmas isn't here yet! I love Christmas Day. Have to perform........ Sure, I always sing during christmas.... I told Mandy I bring along a camera to tape her singing~, and then I will put it on Youtube.... Heheh...... Though I will put everyone performing on Youtube(Expect mine performing)!!!!! Well, that about all. Bye guys and Gals out there.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Birthday!

YEAH! My birthday on the 29 June 2009( School reopen that day). 5 more day to go! Count down....5....4.....3.....2.....1.... Happy birthday!!! Lol, just joking. I can't wait for my birthday(I also can't wait for Christmas). Hope I get my birthday presents from my parents. That all for now..... Don't know what to say.....Hmm....... All I can say is..... Err...... (Speechless)... Nvm. I have no idea what to say to you Blogger, So let forget about it. Heh... Zoom off-